Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Exams are here!

We`ve been a little bit busy these days with end of period exams and papers and this is why we haven’t blogged in a week. We are still finding some times to meet and coordinate for this project. We are preparing to approach companies that might be interested in financially supporting us in return for publicity on our blog and on our reports.
The good news is that we already have one diamond sponsor, our university, HEC Montreal. The MBA department has been excited and enthusiastic about this project and has extended its support to include an important financial contribution. We also have a silver sponsor, Agent Illustrateur, a company of an artistically gifted colleague of ours at the MBA program. Take a look at their pages! We feel really blessed by this support.

Would you know of any companies or individuals who would also be interested in gaining more visiblity while helping us? Can you help us spread the word? You can send us a private message at eduka@gmail.com  

Monday, 11 April 2011

Que du bonheur ! Can you feel the excitement in the air ?

Nous voilà après la fête! That was us at the end of the party.

Merci et Thank You

Notre collecte de fonds «MoRocking» qui a eu lieu Samedi dernier a été un énorme succès et nous voulons remercier tous ceux qui ont contribué.
Nous tenons à remercier le directeur du MBA de HEC Montréal, M. Michael Wybo, qui nous a rejoint avec son épouse. Nous sommes également heureux de recevoir le soutien de la coordinatrice des projets de consultation, Mme Élaine Lamontagne et la secrétaire administrative du programme de MBA, Mme Suzanne Lamoureux.

Un grand Merci également aux étudiants du MBA de HEC Montréal, à l'organisation
PMM, ainsi qu'à nos amis et familles! Nous sommes vraiment touchés et ravis par votre soutien! Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié la musique, la nourriture, et la fête!

Par votre généreuse contribution, nous avons accumulé un bénéfice net de 825 $!


Our fundraiser themed `MoRocking` that took place last Saturday was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to it.
We would like to thank the MBA director, M. Michael Wybo, who along with his wife joined and encouraged us by making a special appearance. We`re really excited that he is as excited as we are on this project. We`re also excited to receive the support of the HEC Montréal consulting project coordinator, Mme Élaine Lamontagne and that of the administrative secretary of the MBA office, Mme Suzanne Lamoureux.

We`d also want to extend a special thanks the HEC Montréal MBA students, the PMM organization, as well as our friends and family who supported us by showing up and buying tickets! We are really delighted and thrilled by your support! We hope you enjoyed the music, the food, and the company!
Finally, last by not least, though your generous contributions, we accumulated a net profit of 825$!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Commentaires! | Comments!

I`m really impressed by the number of views of our website that has reached over 400 in only a few days of launching... What I would like to see from our viewers is some comments.... Please do take the time and comment on this post as we`d love to hear from you!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

April 9 Party

The party April 9th is going well. We have about 60 attendees confirmed on Facebook and about about 40 tentative. This is quite encouraging and we're happy to see so much support from our fellow students!

Levée de fonds | Fundraising

We are all really excited about this project! We did go through a little bit of a downer last week when we were not accepted for a scholarship. We were counting on this 3000$ scholarship and were almost sure to get it! This means that effectively we need to raise at least 1,000 or 2,000 each to sustain our trip in Morocco this summer! This is if we live within a really really tight budget!

We will need to knock on extra doors! Yesterday, we had an entrepeneur come talk to us about his business... and he said that he recived venture capitalist money after 40 meetings!

What can we say. 1 down. 39 left to go. :)