Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Levée de fonds | Fundraising

We are all really excited about this project! We did go through a little bit of a downer last week when we were not accepted for a scholarship. We were counting on this 3000$ scholarship and were almost sure to get it! This means that effectively we need to raise at least 1,000 or 2,000 each to sustain our trip in Morocco this summer! This is if we live within a really really tight budget!

We will need to knock on extra doors! Yesterday, we had an entrepeneur come talk to us about his business... and he said that he recived venture capitalist money after 40 meetings!

What can we say. 1 down. 39 left to go. :)


  1. good attitude always pay off.

  2. les citoyens canadiens résidant au québec deluis au moins un an pourraient se faire financer jusqu'à 70% de leurs frais de déplacement par l'office québec-monde pour la jeunesse. il est possible de faire une demande à titre individuel ou comme groupe. voilà une avenue à explorer:

  3. Merci Redd pour le support et Felix pour la super belle suggestion!

  4. Merci Felix pour l'info !
