Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Meeting with Mr. Benmokhtar, previous minister of education in Morocco who currently manages the ONDH

Last Thursday, we met Mr. Benmokhtar Benabdallah, previous minister of education in Morocco who currently manages the ONDH “Office national du development human”. He is an impressive and memorable character that has extensive in-depth knowledge about the realities on the ground and efforts of change. The meeting was rich in content and we were able to extract many sustainable concepts.  The most important philosophy we take away from Mr. Benmokhtar Benabdallah is that any help any association makes would be more valuable if it was qualitative rather than quantitative. We talked about how helping a limited number of students – but fully – might be more beneficial that providing very partial help to an extensive number of students.  The very little support can evaporate within days and would not guarantee an education. The extended support to a limited number of individuals must be continuous enough to have an impact that is irreversible.
If you had to provide extensive end to end help to thirty students or very partial aid to a thousand students – what would you do? 

1 comment:

  1. even less efficient, little help provided to a large number of person can be beneficient in my opinion. The purpose is to catch government interest and hopefully make them invest more with the desired impact. to show them that hey with little we provides for 1000 imagine what you can do with your budget !
    But Mr BenabdAllah is right his philosophy to provide an end to end support could pay off and make difference more than we do right now.
